Source code for apf.producers.json_prod

from apf.producers.generic import GenericProducer
import json
from pandas import DataFrame, read_json, concat
import pathlib

[docs]class JSONProducer(GenericProducer): """JSON Producer This producer creates multiple output files (json) according to the buffer size, where each file contains `buffer_size` elements. Every file is created in the `FILE_PATH` directory and each output file is named producer_output{i} where `i` is a counter for the times the buffer has completed. Parameters ---------- FILE_PATH: :py:class:`str` Output JSON File Directory. """ def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config=config) self.buffer = DataFrame() self.buffer_size = config.get("buffer_size", 1) self.file_counter = 0 def produce(self, message=None, **kwargs): """Produce Message to a JSON File.""" if "FILE_PATH" in self.config and self.config["FILE_PATH"]: serialized_message = read_json( json.dumps([message]), orient="records", typ="frame" ) self.buffer = concat([self.buffer, serialized_message]) output_file = ( pathlib.Path(self.config["FILE_PATH"]) / f"producer_output{self.file_counter}.json" ) if len(self.buffer) == self.buffer_size:"Buffer: {self.buffer}") self.buffer.to_json( output_file, orient="records", ) self.file_counter += 1 self.buffer = []